


Real Estate: Frenzy for Acquiring a "Golden Visa" at the Last Minute

As the deadline for changing the minimum investment thresholds approaches, interest in securing a residence permit through the "Golden Visa" program has reached its peak. Most of the "last-minute" investors come from Asia, Turkey, Ukraine, and Israel.

With the final deadline drawing near, one of the largest international consulting firms specializing in residence permits and citizenship issues has created a countdown timer on its website, marking the time until the change in minimum investment thresholds.

Since August of last year, the minimum investment threshold for acquiring a "Golden Visa" has doubled to €500,000 for specific areas, such as central Athens, the northern and southern suburbs, Thessaloniki Municipality, Mykonos, and Santorini.

What Changes in the Coming Days
In areas like Piraeus, the minimum investment threshold remains at €250,000. However, in just a few days, it will increase to €800,000 in Attica, Thessaloniki, Mykonos, Santorini, and islands with a population over 3,100. In other parts of the country, the minimum threshold will rise to €400,000, provided that the investment is made in a single property with a minimum area of 120 square meters.

Faced with these upcoming changes, potential investors are urged to act quickly. According to a consulting firm, investors can apply for a residence permit under the current €250,000 threshold if they deposit 10% of the property’s value by August 31 and complete the investment by December 31, 2024.

Last-Minute Challenges
However, as lawyer Nikos Siamakis points out, completing the process before the deadline is challenging due to the required bureaucratic steps, such as obtaining a tax ID number, finding a property, submitting a declaration to the tax office, and more. The process also requires the availability of a notary to draft the contract and the payment of 10% of the property's value via a bank transfer from abroad.

The €250,000 threshold, which is the lowest in Europe, has made the "Golden Visa" particularly attractive to foreign investors, offering a five-year residence permit.

Price Surge in Piraeus
Meanwhile, in areas where the threshold remains at €250,000, such as Piraeus, property prices have surged significantly in recent months. For example, in Piraeus and its suburbs, prices increased by 28.9% and 23.6% respectively in the second quarter of 2024. The average asking price in Piraeus is €2,471 per square meter, while in the southern suburbs, it reaches €3,750 per square meter.

With the upcoming changes, a decline in transactions motivated by the "Golden Visa" is expected, similar to what happened in central Athens when the minimum threshold increased to €500,000.



CONTACT HOURS: Mo-Fr 09:00-21:00





Symbolaia.gr (hereinafter the "Team"), is an interdisciplinary team of lawyers and real estate experts.

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Ioannis Panagiotis Christodoulou

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Legal Advice - Mandate Agreement.

Our law firm provides services and legal advice as defined in the Bar Code.

Legal advice is given upon signing or acceptance of the relevant legal order contract which is also sent as a copy to the principal. The trustee performs all the procedural acts within the framework of the mandate. The principal has the right to request and receive the payment of the amount of legal advice he did online and free of charge until the completion and sending of the data form for the start of the data processing process by the principal and in any case not beyond the 14th day from his payment calendar (full days) if he has not sent a completed form with the processing data by that time. Otherwise, the order contract is executed or the amount is forfeited as a criminal clause and unproven compensation in favor of the principal in any other case. The order contract is revoked under the conditions mentioned in it, while as for the payment of the amount that has already been made, the immediately preceding ones apply. No withdrawal of order or refund of payment amount explicitly agreed by the parties that it will not take place when the completed form has been sent or when the 14th day has passed from the payment of the amount without the relevant form being sent but the amount has been paid.

The online phone session service

To use the online phone service, you agree to the terms of use and data protection policy.

STEP 1 We call you on a Greek landline or mobile phone which you must have correctly stated on the form.

STEP 2 We make as 3 attempts to call you on the phone you have stated. If we do not find you, we will answer your question via email and try to reschedule a telephone appointment.

STEP 3 We answer your questions, giving you legal advice.

The phone call costs 80.00 euros, plus VAT and can last up to an hour.

For further services, we can offer you and negotiate our fees.

Telephone sessions take place in the afternoon from 12:00 to 19:00 from Monday to Friday

Language of communication: Greek / English

Calls are prohibited from being recorded

Online Services - Credit Card Details

Our office provides electronic services for a fee, and the possibility of using a credit card. Our office has chosen the safest ways to pay for a service that is available for a fee. Specifically, it enables the user to transfer the amount of the charge directly to a bank account of the office or to use his debit or credit card through the special trading platform.

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Consumer rights - Withdrawal from the order contract - Authenticity of copies you provide us. Online Store Policy

Upon entering the details and paying for the relevant service by you, a private order contract agreement will be sent to you in the e-mail you stated or on our website under the service. With this order you assign to our office the order to process the specific service that you purchased online. If you do not reply electronically or by telephone or do not accept this order within 14 days then you are tacitly accepted. The same happens if during the same period you use these services by filing from our office or from a third party lawyer of your choice of the relevant petition or send us the relevant documents that we requested for the completion of our work. In case you do not agree with the specific order contract within the same period of time then you cancel the order or non-order, in which case the amount you paid will be returned in full within the same deadline. If this period has elapsed and you still do not wish to continue the order then you will be refunded the amount you paid less the management costs of the purchase and any costs we have incurred on your behalf. If a promissory note has been issued or a fee has been issued in favor of the public, or a court stamp or inventory fee or any fee or tax or fee, this amount is deducted from the refund of your deposit in any case, because these fees are not canceled and their use is for specific purposes only. In case a document is issued in case of refund of the amount, a credit invoice will be issued, and in case of withholding of expenses a document will be issued only in the amount of the refund. Finally, the order will not be executed until you have provided us with all the documents we need to prepare the service you have chosen. By sending the relevant documents to our office, you unreservedly accept and confess about the authenticity of the documents you handle us and that these are exact copies of the originals that you have at your disposal. Our office has absolutely no ability to check the authenticity and disclaims any responsibility for your unknowingly using any forged and manipulated documents by you.

Applicable law and other terms

The above terms and conditions of use of Symbolaia.gr, as well as any modification thereof, are governed and supplemented by Greek law, the law of the European Union and the relevant international treaties. The Courts of the city of Athens become competent for any dispute that may arise from the interpretation or application of this.


(according to Regulation 2016/679, hereinafter: GDPR)


LAW OFFICE Ioannis P. Christodoulou

ADRESS: 71Α Skoufa Street,10680 Athens

E-mail: info@symbolaia.gr, Tel.0030 210-3618697, Fax:0030 210 - 3632865



By entrusting your case to us, we collect the following information:

• Name


• E-mail address

• Telephone number (landline and mobile)


• Information on the basis of your claim and / or on the defense of your case

The above information constitutes personal data, according to Regulation 2016/679 (Article 4 No. 1), which stipulates that personal data is any information concerning an identified or identifiable natural person ("data subject").

The collection of this information is necessary in order to verify the identity of our principal, to contact you, to issue the relevant documents, to represent you before the Courts, and, possibly, in order to claim our remuneration.

The processing of your personal data is done for the execution of the order and the conduct of the case that you have assigned to us, and is based on the provision of article 6 par. 1 lit. β΄ GDPR, as it is necessary for the fulfillment of the obligations deriving from the mandate contract

The retention period of your personal data is five (5) years after the end of the order, according to article 37 lit. i of the Code of Conduct for the Legal Profession, but may be extended in accordance with tax legislation or until the limitation of any claims.


We do not transfer your personal data to third parties, unless it is necessary for the execution of the order. Specifically, your personal information is disclosed to the other party or parties and to his / her attorney, as well as to courts and other public authorities, in order to defend your case. Third parties to whom your personal data is transmitted in this way are not entitled to use it for other purposes.

Along with the protection of your personal data, the legal secrecy also applies, which we observe, not only during, but also after the end of the case or the revocation of the order by our client.


You have the following rights, according to the GDPR:

• Right of access to data: You have the right to request a right of access to your personal data, in accordance with Article 15 GIP. With the access request you can find out about the purposes of the processing, the relevant categories of personal data, the recipients to whom the data were communicated or will be communicated, the period for which they will be stored, the existence of a right to correct or delete data or restriction of their processing or right to object to processing, information on the origin of data and the existence of automated decision-making, including profiling and information on the logic followed.

• Right of correction: You have the right to request the correction of inaccurate data as well as the completion of incomplete data concerning you, in accordance with Article 16 GDPR.

• Right to restrict processing: You have the right to request a restriction on the processing of your personal data, subject to the provisions of Article 18 of the GDPR.

• Right to object to the processing: You have the right to object to the processing of your data at any time and for reasons related to your particular situation, to the processing of personal data concerning you, when it is based on Article 6 (1) (e). GDPR.

• Right to be forgotten: When you no longer wish to have your personal data processed and retained, you have the right to request its deletion, provided that the data is not kept for a specific legal and declared purpose, in accordance with Article 17 GDPR.

• Right to data portability: You have the right to receive or request the transfer of your data, in machine readable form, from us to another controller, if you so wish, in accordance with Article 20 GIP.

To exercise your above rights, you can contact us, in writing, by sending a postal letter to the address: info@symbolaia.gr

You also have the right to complain to the Personal Data Protection Authority, in writing (Kifissias 1-3, PC 115 23, Athens) or electronically (www.dpa.gr).

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